Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Father’s Love: An Exclusive Interview with Dave Moore

Author Interview
Today we have the pleasure of hearing from Dave Moore, author of The Father’s Love. Please join me as we discover how God has been at work in Dave’s life, and what led him to write this incredible auto-biographical account.

Hi Dave, welcome, and thank you for taking the time to share with us. Please tell us a little bit about yourself, where you are from, your family and your Christian background.
I am a Chaplain in the Church of God living in Ypsilanti Michigan. I pray with the sick and lost in hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and jails, wherever I am called. I am married to the love of my life Dorinda, and we have three sons, Shane, Adam, and David.  I was not raised in church though I always believed in God. My wife was raised in church as her father has been a Pastor and Evangelist for over 60 years. Until this incident happened in my life I did not attend church. Now we rarely miss a Sunday.
Dave Moore
Your book, The Father’s Love, is recognized as “an amazing true story of hope”, and yet it is also detailed as “a father’s worst nightmare come true”. Why did you feel you had to tell your story?
When telling others about my search for my missing son and the miraculous answer to prayer they would be moved to tears and nearly always say that a book should be written and a movie made. I wanted to tell the world how God had radically changed my family’s lives through a miracle answer to prayer.
What is the major theme or message of The Father’s Love?
There is always hope with God. When we surrender our will for God’s will we can truly ask Him for anything we need. God’s desire is for us to be in relationship with Him through prayer and reading His word.
Just like any loving relationship we want to do what is best for that loved one. When we draw closer to God our will and His will begin to line up and our hopes and dreams, and our prayers, become realities!
What was the hardest part of writing The Father’s Love?
Reliving the painful moments of the search. It was the worst five days of my life. As I would write and rewrite the story I shed so many tears. I have lost both I my parents and it is a terrible thing to go through. But nothing compares to the fear and anguish of searching for a missing child.
Together Again
What is your favorite part of the book?
When God answered my desperate prayer to save my son. There is no way to fully explain how it feels to have the Creator of the universe immediately and miraculously not only answer your prayer but become really real to you in a split second. I was completely changed in an instant from walking in the dark to walking in the light. Delivered from smoking, drinking, anger, lust, hatred, and so much more. Real solutions bring real change. Jesus Christ is the solution to everything!
I’ve heard of others who have experienced such immediate deliverance from those kinds of things. That’s so amazing. Praise God, and what a way to get your attention!
How did writing The Father’s Love help you and your family?
Not only was I delivered from so many bad things in my life but it gave me and my wife and son a completely new outlook on life. No longer do we live for ourselves only but for something so much greater! We were not attending church at all. I am now a Chaplain; my wife sings in the choir and reaches out to the hurting with cards and meals. My son is now a college graduate and a Pastor.
How do you hope reading The Father’s Love will help or affect others?
First, I hope that people will realize that there is real hope and real help with God. I have had to deal with many hard things since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. The death of my mother to lung cancer, three months later finding out that I had cancer, the loss of my job.  In the midst of these difficult trials, though they were hard, the Lord gave me peace that goes so very far beyond my comprehension. Jesus said that when He went away that He would send the Holy Ghost Comforter to teach us and to comfort us. I have also experienced many amazing answers to prayer some of which I write about in the book. There is always hope with God!
God is so good when we rest in Him, no matter what challenges He allows to come our way. How has The Father’s Love been received by the public so far, for example, posted reviews?
I have not to this date had one bad review. Everyone that has read the book has had nothing but good things to say about it. It is a quick read and it gets right to the story without any fluff. Most people say that they could not put it down and finish it in one sitting. There are many comments on my Facebook fan page.
What are your current activities and future plans?
We have recently started attending a new church and I am slowly getting involved there. I am working the altar calls with my new Pastor and visiting the sick and lost when I am called upon. I plan to continue to serve God, tell my testimony of “The Father’s Love” to the world, and be a blessing to others when possible.
Is there anything that has happened recently or is about to happen that you are especially excited about and would like to share with us?
We have been on television with the book three times already and I have been in contact with the 700 Club and Daystar Network for possible interviews. It has always been my goal to take “The Father’s Love” to the world and these amazing networks that reach so many for the Kingdom of God would be a tremendous way to do that. Also, I have been in contact with several different people about a possible movie deal.
For what are you most grateful?
I am so grateful that God not only answered my prayer and brought my son home safely but that he opened my and my wife Dorinda’s and son David’s eyes and saved us too. Now all of our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and we will be together forever in Heaven! Hallelujah!
Finally, where can our audience find out more about you and your book ‘The Father’s Love’?
Dave, thank you so much for sharing with us. It has been a pleasure hearing about this amazing account. Praise God for the safe return of your son, the salvation the Lord brought you into, and the blessings poured out upon your family!
On behalf of the Christian Enquirer I thank God for you, your courage to share such an emotional personal story, and the witness of and testimony to His grace that it gives!
-Victor Mathis, Founder | The CHRISTIAN ENQUIRER

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