Thursday, March 29, 2012

Jesus took our fallen nature, that was subject to all of the curse, in order that we might have His divine nature which can resist all the curse. He took our weaknesses in order that we might have His strength. He took our humanity that we might be filled with His divinity. He took our impatience that we might have His patience. He took our hate that we might have His love. He who was always meek, took our pride that we might have His humility. He took our nature-which resists all evil done to us-in order that we might have His meekness, and so obey God, bearing with joyfulness all the evil that God permits people to do to us. He, who did all His Father’s will, took our disobedient spirit in order that we might have His obedient spirit-a spirit which delights to do the will of God, even when there is great suffering connected with it. He took our hasty spirit, in order that we might have His long-suffering spirit, ready to suffer all things, even when long continued, and still be kind. He took our sicknesses in order that we might have His health. He took our pains that we might have His freedom from pain. He took our poverty of life that we might have the abundant life that He came to bring, so that our whole spirit, soul and body can be preserved blameless. He became so poor that He had not where to lay His head in order that we may lack nothing, and says, “My God shall supply all your need.” He took our banishment from God that we might have continual fellowship with God. He became our sin that we might become His holiness. He became our unrighteousness that by faith we might be perfectly righteous. His one purpose in doing all this was to make it possible for us to have everything that He is-being and abiding in us. Just as Jesus chose what we were, so we must choose to be exactly what He is, and no more let go or turn away than Jesus did. C. Nuzum

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